Learn and Explore
Discover, Assess and Compare
Manage and Improve
Take Action

1. Learn and Explore

In our resources and training section, you can find out about:

  • ESG risk topics
  • ESG, supply chain, and due diligence regulations
  • ESG standards, certifications, and frameworks
  • Placeholder

    2. Discover, Assess and Compare

    Our regulations and risk data and mitigation tools can help you to understand:

  • The risks and regulations relevant to the raw materials and commodities in your products and components
  • Where the commodities and raw materials in your supply chains are produced and manufactured
  • The risks associated with your counterparties, customers and supplier
  • The requirements of ESG regulations and ESG certifications and frameworks relevant to you, your counterparties, and suppliers
  • Placeholder

    3. Manage and Improve

    Our bespoke services and monitoring tools can help you:

  • Prioritise your supply chains for responsible sourcing and engage my suppliers to enable better practices
  • Monitor ESG performance of your operations and of your counterparties and suppliers
  • Placeholder

    4. Take Action

    We help create systemic change through the development of impact initiatives that support and empower communities rich in natural resources. We can help you:

  • Join an industry initiative or action platform addressing critical sustainability issues
  • Contribute to solving root problems
  • Directly and positively impact communities in your supply chain